Stay in rustic seclusion

Whether you are planning on some hunting in North Dakota's Central Flyway, relaxing for a week of fishing in the many local lakes, on the birding trail for Baird's Sparrow, or need a quiet, clean place to stay while visiting the relatives, this is it! With over 2500 exclusive acres to hunt for pheasants, duck, geese, grouse and partridge, in the county that practically invented CRP, you won't have to fight the hunting crowds.
Prairie pothole country

We are located just a few miles north of Horsehead Lake, a large drainage lake and wildlife area that attracts thousands of Snow geese, Canada geese, Greater Canadas, Speckle-bellys, Ross's geese, and is directly in the flyway of Sandhill and Whooping cranes, Pintails, Mallards, Redheads, Gadwalls and Teal. Our multitude of sloughs make this a tough place to farm but a great place to raise birds!
Many recreational lakes

The many local lakes are stocked with walleye, large mouth bass, perch and northern pike. They have good boat ramp access, are lightly fished and teem with panfish & gamefish. Enjoy the sunny summer weather on sandy beaches with your family. Ski, go tubing, relax, then cook your catch on the grill when you get back to the Ritz!
400 feet from the Ritz

Birders will delight in the variety of avians that nest here and travel thru in spring and fall. Common or rare, large and small, there is a great variety of shorebirds and grass-nesting birds that stay the season. Organized birding tours travel through our local farms, watching for Bairds sparrow, Upland Sandpiper, the Piping Plover, Short-eared owls and many more. Serious birders could stay here at the Ritz and be within a half hour drive of Horsehead Lake and Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, home of the largest nesting area of American White Pelicans in North America.